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Salamex Design
Our range of European food-processing machines, most of which are made in UK, covers the complete areas of Human and Pet Food processing
We assemble technological lines in the field of sausage, sausage products and meat semi-finished products individually for you!
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Dear site visitors, dear partners, colleagues and suppliers! It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our company's website.I express my sincere gratitude to you for the attention you have shown to us. Our company consistently stands for the successful development of commercial relations with its customers, partners and suppliers, based on the principles of our creative participation. The SalamexLTD team strives to be useful to each of its clients, to respond promptly to emerging challenges and needs. SalamexLTD is a company that invests in advanced technologies to increase competitive advantages not only in the field of its direct tasks, but also in the field of promptly providing the full volume of necessary timely information to its customers. We have repeatedly confirmed our professionalism, efficiency and reliability in practice. This is due to the fact that for us, customers have been and remain not only respected partners, which we will always be.